2022年10月3日 星期一

My Tiger Parents


     No doubt my parents are tiger parents. Whatever I do is never good enough from their perspective because they want me to be a straight-A student, excel in sports, and have musical talents. Unlike my peers, I have a fully-packed行程滿檔 every day and weekends are no exception. My typical day begins at 6:30 am when I get up and ends at 11:30 pm when I can finally hit the sack. The school I go to is exceptionally傑出地 competitive有競爭力的; there are all sorts of weekly assessments評量, the results of which count towards final grades. On one occasion, I failed to get an A in mathematics in Year 5 simply because I got a B in one of the quizzes小考 at the start of a term. The end time of the school day is 3:30 pm, but that ushers in the busiest part of my day as I need to go from one activity to another. Despite my dislike for water, I have been a member of the school swimming team, thanks to my parents’ insistence that this should be part of my CV. Neither do I like long hours of tuition classes where cramming填鴨式 takes the place of 代替 learning. Piano lessons are what I hate most because they are tiring and give me sore fingers.


     Although I do not subscribe to my parents’ tiger parenting style, I cannot deny that as a result of such a style, I have become highly competitive in my studies, sports and music endeavors努力. As a straight-A student with accomplishments in sports and music, I have secured得到 offers to a few elite colleges in the US. After years of a hectic繁忙的 lifestyle, I am highly disciplined有紀律的, always guided by a detailed timetable that is conducive有助益的 to good time management. I am also focused on what I intend to achieve and work out how this can be done. That said, if given a chance, I would have done it differently, giving myself a bit of time for daydreaming.

