2020年9月30日 星期三

What Are Your Weaknesses?

  I would say a lack of experience, as I graduated from college a few years ago. I recognize this and have been working on it by being inquisitive. By this I mean not being afraid of asking questions, which I think is the best way to really understand something. A good understanding of the work I do can make up for whatever experience I lack.


2020年9月29日 星期二

Why Did You Quit Your Last Job?

  I quit my last job because I considered it essential to broaden my exposure. I was in that job for about five years. My work had become more of a routine and I was in my comfort zone doing the work as I had been. A different working environment would take me out of my comfort zone and make me grow, not only in terms of getting to learn a different line of business, but also honing such generic skills as analytical skills, communication skills, and inter-personal skills.


My Favorite Restaurant

   My favorite restaurant is called “Johnny’s.” I love going there because of its location, food and service.

  It is located in my neighborhood, just two blocks from my apartment. It takes no more than ten minutes to walk there. It is well-secluded: unless you are a local, it might not be easy to find it. I prefer it to those more popular ones with crowds waiting outside.

  Its food is value for money. I would not say the food is the most delicious, but it is definitely of the local cuisine, which I am used to. Eating there always brings back fond memories of my mom’s meals. What’s more, it does not cost me a fortune to eat there.

  Its service is superb. The owner of the restaurant is a young man who greets each customer with warmth and welcome. He is keen on introducing the menu and answering customers’ questions about how the food is made. Whenever I am there, I cannot help feeling that I am in good company.

  To conclude, the location, food and service of Johnny’s makes it my favorite restaurant.

2020年9月28日 星期一

My Favorite Travel Destination


My favorite travel destination is Japan. The country is best known for its delicious food, beautiful scenery, and superb transportation. Although I have been to Japan a number of times, I still wish to go there again as there is so much I have yet to see.

Japanese food is simply a delight. I am a big fan of raw fish, so sashimi and sushi are what I always go for. Another food that appeals to me is ramen. It might look the same but its tastes vary considerably because of the different ways in which the broth is made.

Japanese scenery is pure beauty. No one can resist the temptation of pale pink blossoms in March and April up and down the country. Colorful autumn foliage is also a draw for locals and tourists alike as they flock to the mountains. Winter snow scenes are mesmerizing, never mind the biting cold.

Japanese transportation is probably the best in the world. It boasts a comprehensive, complicated, and convenient network. The authorities pride themselves on running highly efficient services. The only complaint I have is that it is quite a daunting task to navigate the system.

To conclude, I look forward to going to Japan again. I miss the fantastic food and scenery there, while lured by the convenience of local transportation.

My Favorite Season

  My favorite season is autumn.

  Weather-wise, it is the best time of year. It is neither sweltering nor freezing. We need not worry too much about excessive sweating, which is common in summer. Nor do we need to put on too many clothes in winter to keep ourselves warm.

  Scenery-wise, it offers ample opportunity for viewing leaves that turn into different degrees of crimson and yellow, depending on the species of the trees in question and the period. No one will forget the overlapping colors of the leaves.

  Activity-wise, it is perfect for most outdoor activities. I love going hiking in the countryside on weekends. My family and friends will sometimes join. If so, we might have a picnic or a barbecue afterwards. Once in a while we even go on a three-day camping trip.

  To conclude, I love autumn for its weather, scenery, and outdoor activities. I look forward to its arrival every year.


2020年9月13日 星期日

What I Want to be in the Future?


I want to be a psychologist in the future. Psychology is a means to achieve peace. If people have no psychological problems and countries do not go to war with one another, the world will definitely be peaceful. As I see it, psychology has been created by God to help people address mental problems and stop warfare. Armed with what they know about the subject, psychologists come up with ways in which people confront their mental problems.  If left unattended, these problems will not go away. With psychologists’ assistance, countries alleviate military tension and avoid confrontations. My ideal job is a psychologist. Ever since I witnessed how my mom helped people resolve psychological problems and mend disharmonious family relationships, I have been working hard to follow in her footsteps. Although I am now still a student not in a position to help others with psychological problems, I have been reading psychology books, which has gone a long way towards understanding the discipline. The more I study, the more I am convinced that I am on the right track. I cannot wait to study psychology in college and begin my practice after graduation. I really look forward to a fruitful and productive career ahead.

2020年9月6日 星期日

The Sample Topical Sentences for Writing

 01 How to Fix a Relationship? 如何修復關係?

1.   人與人的誤會總是難免的,因為每個人的認知都不同。
Misunderstanding between people is inevitable as their perspectives vary.

2.   當你發現你做錯事了,你必須勇敢承認自己的過錯。
When you realize that you have done something wrong, you have to bravely admit your mistake.

3.   自從那天起,他/她就沒有再跟我說話了。
Since that day, he/she has not spoken to me again.

4.   後來,我買了一個小禮物送給他/她,結果他/她露出微笑了。
Afterwards, I bought a small gift for him/her. It turned out that he/she smiled.

5.   從那一天起,我們變成無話不談的好朋友。
Since that day, we have become good friends keeping nothing from each other.


02 Travel is the Best Teacher  旅遊是最好的老師

1.   旅遊在我們生命中扮演了重要的角色。
plays an important role in our lives.

2.   旅遊拓展了我們的視野,也豐富了我們的生活。
Travel broadens our horizons and enriches our lives.

3.   在規劃旅程的過程中,我們可以學到很多。
When planning a trip, we can learn a lot.

4.   如何把所有必需品放在一個小的行李箱是件不簡單的事。
It is no easy task put all necessities in a small suitcase.

5.   在旅行的過程中,我總是覺得自己好渺小。
During a trip, I always feel
so insignificant.


03 A World without Electricity  沒有電的世界

1.   如果沒有電,我們的生活會變得很困難。
Without electricity, our lives would become very difficult.

2.   要回歸到原始生活,對人類來說非常困難。
Having to go back to primitive life is very difficult for human beings.

3.   我們應當要珍惜資源,不要浪費電。
We should cherish resources, not wasting electricity.

4.   火與水,這個時候扮演了很重要的角色。
At this time, fire and water play very important roles.

5.   天冷就鑽木取火,天熱就泡在水中。
Make a fire by drilling wood when it is cold, and stay in the water when it is hot.

04 My Classmate 我的同學

1.   我的同學總是會與我分享許多新鮮事物。

     My classmate always shares with me many new things. 

2.   我們時常一起讀書和一起玩樂。
We often study and play together.

3.   雖然同學只有幾年時間,不過好朋友可以是一輩子。
Although we have been classmates for only a few years, we can be lifelong friends.

4.   我難過的時候,他/她總是會安慰我。
He/she always comforts me when I am sad.

5.   /她對我非常好,我一直相當感激他/她。
He/she treats me very well, for which I have been grateful.

05 Waste Collectors with a Master’s Degree 碩士清潔隊

1.   現在經濟不景氣,很多碩士生都找不到理想工作。
With the recession now, many graduates with a master’s degree cannot find their ideal jobs.

2.   書讀得這麼多,工作的時候還是要重新開始。
Although they have studied so long, they have to start again at work.

3.   職業無分貴賤,只要腳踏實地的工作,都值得讚許。
One occupation is not superior to another. It is commendable to keep your feet on the ground.

4.   能為國家盡一份心力,也是值得驕傲的事情。
Being able to do something for the country is also something to be proud of.

5.   清潔隊的招考也很不容易,因為它考驗人的體能及記憶力。
The recruitment for waste collections is not easy, either as it tests one’s
physical fitness and memory.


06 My Favorite Season 我最喜歡的季節

1.   每當到了夏天,我總是喜歡到海邊享受著海風。

Whenever summer comes, I always like to enjoy the sea breeze 

2.   春天總是給我一種煥然一新的感覺。
Spring always gives me a new feel.

3.   我在冬天,總是特別喜歡吃美食。
In winter I always like to eat delicious food in particular.

4.   我喜歡在秋天時,天天到公園散步。
I like to take a stroll in a park every day in autumn.

5.   台灣現在猶如四季如夏,我好看的大衣都穿不到了。
It is like summer all year in Taiwan. I can hardly wear my decent coats.


07 Loneliness 孤單

1.   孤單,不是一件壞事,它可以讓你更認識自己。

Loneliness is not a bad thing; it lets you better understand yourself.

2.   有時候獨處,也是一種享受。
It is also a kind of enjoyment to be sometimes alone.

3.   人往往把「孤單」視為無依無靠的感覺。
Loneliness is often seen as a feeling of being helpless.

4.   當你覺得孤單,你可以做善事幫助更多人。
When you feel lonely, you can do good to help more people.

5.   人如果心中富足,就不會感到孤單。
One does not feel lonely if content at heart.

08 My Hobby 我的嗜好

1.   我的嗜好很特別,跟其他人不一樣。

His hobby is very special and different from others’.

2.   我是一個宅男,總是喜歡在家打電動。
He is a otaku, always staying home for electronic games.

3.   我很喜歡看書,可惜找不到志同道合的朋友。
I like reading very much. Unfortunately, I cannot find like-minded friends.

4.   做你喜歡的事,不要管別人怎麼想。
Do what you like, no matter what others think.

5.   我從打籃球的過程中得到成就感。
I get a sense of satisfaction from playing basketball.


09 My Senior High School Life  我的高中生活

1.   每天都有很多作業及考試,這就是我的高中生活。
My senior high school life is many assignments and examinations every day.

2.   我在高中的時候,參加了很多社團。
I joined many clubs when I was in senior high school.

3.   我在高中時是個開心果,總是會逗他人哈哈大笑。
I was lively and amusing in senior high school, always making others laugh.

4.   每天從家裡到學校長途跋涉,真的很累人。
The long journey home from school every day is tiring.

5.   我的高中生活很多采多姿,交了很多朋友。
My senior high school life was varied and I made a lot of friends.


10 Campus Security 校園安全

1.   校園安全是每個人的責任。

Campus safety is everyone’s responsibility.

2.   學生及學校人員都扮演著關鍵的角色。

Students and faculty/staff members should also play a key role.

3.   如果他們發現可疑人物,他們應該要通報給保全人員。

If they spot anyone suspicious, they should report it to a security guard.

4.   畢竟,當不幸的事情發生時,他們的個人安全可能會有風險。

After all, their personal safety can be at risk if something unfortunate happens.

5.   潛在的校園安全問題包括火災、偷竊、騷擾,甚至是襲擊。

Potential issues that might undermine campus safety include fire risks, thefts, harassment, or even assaults.

11 What Sort of Person am I? 我是個怎樣的人?

1.   我是一個既內向又害羞的人。

I am both introverted and shy. 

2.   我總是樂觀開朗,喜歡交不同的朋友。
I am always optimistic and cheerful; I like to make different friends.

3.   朋友常常覺得我很糊塗,不過在關鍵時刻,我總能眼明手快。
My friends often think I am silly, but at key moments, I am always sharp-eyed and deft-handed.

4.   我喜歡做我自己,不喜歡被外在事物束縛。
I like to be myself, unshackled from outside influence.

5.   我總是很在意他人對我的看法,這讓我有時候很不開心。
I always care about what others think of me, which makes me very unhappy.


12 How do You Spend Your Spare Time? 你如何度過閒暇時間?

1.   我們都知道不能浪費時間,因為失去的時間永遠回不來。

We all know we cannot waste time as time lost is gone forever. 

2.   我在辛苦讀書後有了閒暇時間,我經常閱讀小說,看電視,以及遛狗。
I often read novels, watch television, and walk a dog in my leisure time after studying hard.

3.   有些娛樂已經變成我的嗜好,它們提升了我的生活品質。
Some entertainments have become my hobbies, enhancing the quality of my life.

4.   我總是在有空的時候,會陪伴我的家人。
I always accompany my family when I am free.

5.   我很喜歡跟朋友在咖啡廳聊天說八卦。
I very much like to chit-chat with friends in a café.


13 Which do You Enjoy: City Life or Country Life? 你喜歡都市生活還是鄉村生活?

1.   我很喜歡鄉下的生活,因為地廣人稀,不像都市那般嘈雜。

I very much like to live in the countryside as it is sparsely populated, unlike the noisy city 

2.   在都市生活帶給我很大的方便,我覺得我應該離不開台北市。
Living in the city brings me much convenience. I think I should not be able to leave Taipei.

3.   台北捷運非常方便,它已經成為我生活不可或缺的一部分了。
The Mass Rapid Transit in Taipei is very convenient. It has become an indispensable part of my life.

4.   鄉村風景好,空氣清新,我未來應該會考慮在那裡養老。
The countryside is known for its beautiful scenery and fresh air. I should consider living there in retirement in the future.

5.   我很喜歡逛街買東西,所以都市生活比較適合我。
I very much like going shopping, so city life suits me more.

14 How to Reduce Your Stress? 你如何紓解壓力?

1.   每當壓力來臨時,我都會先深呼吸。

I take a deep breath whenever I am under stress. 

2.   有時候壓力是讓我們前進的動力,它並非壞事。
Sometimes stress is a motivating force for us and is not a bad thing.

3.   長期的壓力會導致健康出問題,我們不容忽視它。
Chronic stress causes health issues.  We cannot ignore it.

4.   做運動可以幫助減緩壓力,因為它可以幫助我們釋放腦內啡。
Doing exercise can help reduce stress because it helps release endorphins.

5.   充足的睡眠相當重要,它也是降低壓力的一種方式。
It is quite important to have enough sleep as it is a way to reduce stress.

15 The Novel Coronavirus 新冠狀病毒

1.   我們隨時都要注意環境衛生,因為病毒細菌無所不在。
We have to be aware of environmental hygiene as viruses and bacteria
are ubiquitous.

2.   勤洗手、戴口罩,以及保持社交距離,就是預防病毒的好方法。
The best way to guard against viruses is washing hands, wearing masks, and social distancing.

3.   適時的運動,也可以幫助我們提升免疫力。
Timely exercise can also help us enhance our immunity.

4.   正當全世界陷入新冠狀病毒的威脅時,我很幸運台灣的防疫工作做得很好。
As the world is coming under the threat of the novel coronavirus, it is very lucky that Taiwan’s epidemic prevention has been successful.

5.   即使是在安全的環境中,我們也應當居安思危,不能掉以輕心。
Even if we are in a safe environment, we should stay alert and not take things lightly.

16 What I Want to Be in the Future 我未來想成為什麼

1.   我未來想成為一位老師,因為我希望可以教化更多學生。
I wish to become a teacher in the future as I hope to teach more students.

2.   我必須要好好用功讀書考上醫學院,以後為國家有所貢獻。
I have to study hard so as to get into medical school and contribute to my country.

3.   人有夢想是好事,但是不能只是空想而不去努力實踐。
It is a good thing for people to have a dream, but it cannot be one they fail to realize through hard work.

4.   雖然我不知道未來可以做什麼,但是我不斷在摸索中。
Although I do not know what to do in the future, I am finding my way.

5.   我希望我可以當室內設計師,把客戶的家裡裝潢的漂漂亮亮的。
I hope to become an interior designer, decorating clients’ homes well.


17 An accident 意外事故

1.   人生的意外不知道什麼時候發生,我們都要珍惜當下。
It is unknown when accidents happen in life. We have to seize the moment.

2.   我們要隨時注意安全,即便我們小心,別人不見得會小心。
We have to stay safe at all times.
Even if we stay safe, others might not necessarily do so.

3.   我常常看到車禍的新聞,這都讓我感到很害怕。
often see news of traffic accidents, which scare me a lot.

4.   買保險是很重要的事情,因為它至少可以減緩意外後的損失。
It is very important to buy insurance because it at least mitigate the losses from accidents.

5.   貝魯特的爆炸,讓我感到相當震驚。
I was much shocked by the explosion in Beirut.

18 Money

1.   錢不是萬能,但是沒有錢,萬萬不能。
Money is not everything, but we cannot afford to have no money.

2.   賺很多錢的人,他不一定很快樂。
A big earner is not necessarily very happy.

3.   人要懂得理財,才不會導致窮愁潦倒。
We have to know how to manage personal finance to avoid becoming down-and-out.

4.   不要隨便借他人錢,因為你無法保證對方會還你。
Don’t lend others money casually because you cannot be sure that they will pay the money back to you.

5.   救急不救窮,是借錢的藝術。
The art of lending money is to do so in emergency, not to alleviate poverty.

19 Taking Exercise 做運動

1.   我最喜歡的運動是籃球,因為它可以讓我結交到很多朋友。
My favorite sport is basketball as it allows me to make many friends.

2.   運動可以促進新陳代謝,讓你更健康。
Sports can promote metabolism, making you healthier.

3.   我喜歡在晨間慢跑,因為可以呼吸新鮮的空氣。
I like jogging in the morning because I can breathe in fresh air.

4.   運動前,做伸展操是非常重要的。
It is very important to
do stretching before exercise.

5.   運動之後,我感到活力充沛。
I become energetic after exercise.


20 Friends 朋友

1.   朋友使我們的生活豐富多彩:聊天,分享有趣的故事或只是成為一個好聽眾。

     Friends make our life colorful: chatting, sharing fun stories, or simply being a good listener.

2.   而且,當我們難過甚至沮喪時,朋友會為我們加油。

Moreover, friends will cheer us up when we are upset or even depressed.

3.   他們的安慰之言永遠是我們恢復和重新獲得我們內在力量所需要的。

Their words of consolation are always what is needed for us to recover and regain the power in us.

4.   考慮到友誼的重要性,我們在選擇朋友時應格外小心。

Given the importance of friendship, we should be careful in choosing our friends.

5.   一般而言,我們傾向於與個性與我們相近的人交朋友。

Generally speaking, we tend to make friends with someone whose personality is similar to ours.

21 An Embarrassing Event 一件尷尬的事

1.   我能記得我最尷尬的時刻,就像昨天發生的那樣。

I can remember my most embarrassing moment as if it happened yesterday. 

2.   每個人的生活都會經歷一些尷尬的時刻。

Everyone experiences some embarrassing moments in his or her life. 

3.   尷尬的時刻很容易讓人回想,大多數時候這些使我們大笑。

Embarrassing moments are easy to recall and most of the time these make us laugh.

4.   有一次我不小心走進男廁,還罵裡面的男生為什麼走進女廁。

Once I inadvertently went into a men’s restroom and even scolded the men for having entered a women’s restroom. 

5.   我時常以為對方在跟我打招呼而揮手回應,沒想到他是跟我後面的人打招呼。
I often suppose someone greets me and I wave back.  It does not occur to me that he or she greets someone behind me.


22 Why Should We Learn English? 為什麼我們要學英文?

1.   英文是一個與世界接軌的溝通工具。

English is a tool for communicating with the world.

2.   學習語言很花時間,不過學會之後可以運用在很多地方。
It is time-consuming to learn a language, but once learned, the language can be used in many ways.

3.   語言是累積更多知識的橋樑,它富足了我們的生活。
Language is a bridge to the accretion of more knowledge and enriches our lives.

4.   學習英文不是為了考試,而是用英文去溝通及學更多知識。
Learning English is not for an examination; English is used for communication and acquisition of more knowledge.

5.   雖然英語不是最多人講的語言,但是有許多實用資訊都來自英文。
Although English is not the most spoken language, much practical information comes from it.


23 How I Will Make the Most of My College Life? 我將如何善用大學生活

1.   我上了大學,我一定不會浪費時間在無意義的事情上。

When I go to college, I will definitely waste no time on meaningless matters.

2.   為了要做一個有教養的人,我要學習如何善待他人。
To be civilized, I have to learn how to treat others well.

3.   我相信如果我能實踐我的想法,我會喜歡多采多姿的大學生活。
I believe that if I can put my ideas into practice, I would like to have a colorful college life.

4.   上了大學,我會積極參與學校活動,結交更多朋友來培養人脈。
When I go to college, I will actively take part in school activities and make more friends to cultivate contacts.

5.   我會善用學校資源,好好在大學四年裡充實自己。
I will make good use of school resources and enrich myself well in the four years of college education.


24 Health 健康

1.   健康比什麼都重要,唯有健康,我們才能做更多的事。
Health is more important than anything. Only with health can we do more things.

2.   沒有健康的身體,一個人就不可能過快樂的日子。
Without a healthy body, one cannot lead a happy life.

3.   為了保持健康,我們必須養成規律的生活。
For our health, we have to develop regular life routines.

4.   即使在考試前,也不要熬夜。
Even if an examination is around the corner, you should not stay up late.

5.   任何不健康的人,是很難在他的人生中成功。
Anyone without good health hardly succeed in life.


25 The Importance of Forming Good Habits 養成好習慣的重要性

1.   一個沒有好習慣的人,一定是個懶惰的人。

One without good habits must be lazy.

2.   養成好習慣對我們有很多好處,所以我們要盡快革除壞習慣。
Forming good habits brings us various benefits, so we have to get rid of bad ones as soon as possible.

3.   養成早睡早起的習慣,有益我們的健康。
It is beneficial to our health to get into the habit of keeping early hours.

4.   養成物歸原位的習慣,就不會時常找不到東西。
If you get into the habit of putting things away, you will not often have to find them.

5.   守時是很重要的事,它可以看出一個人的人品。

Punctuality is very important; it can reflect one’s character.


26 The Most Significant Invention to Man 人類最偉大的發明

1.   對我來說,人類最偉大的發明就是智慧型手機。

For me, the most significant invention for man is the smart phone.

2.   飛機的發明,讓我們可以完成環遊世界的夢想。
The invention of airplanes has made it possible for us to realize our dream of traveling around the world.

3.   醫療的進步比方說疫苗的研發,對人類的健康也變得更有保障。
Medical advances such as the research and development of vaccines provide more protection for humans’ health.

4.   隨著科技的進步,人類發明的東西越來越令人讚嘆。
With technological progress, human inventions are increasingly amazing.

5.   發明一個東西,需要有強烈的靈感及豐富的知識。
To invent a thing requires strong
inspiration and a wealth of knowledge.

27 The Person I Admire Most 我最崇敬的人

1.   我最崇敬的人就是我的高中老師。
The person I admire most is a high school teacher of mine.

2.   泰瑞莎修女是個偉大的慈善家,她也是我效法的對象。
Mother Teresa was a great philanthropist and a role model for me.

3.   利他主義的人,總是會備受尊敬。
Altruists are always respected.

4.   一個人要受人尊敬,就必須要正直不阿。
One has to be upright to be respected.

5.   他的善舉,總是令我們動容。
I am always moved by his good deeds.


28 Making Choice 選擇

1.   在我們這一生,總是不斷在做選擇。
In our lives we always have to keep on making choices.

2.   即便選擇錯誤,我們還是可以把它當成學習的經驗。
Even if we make a wrong choice, we can treat it as
a learning experience.

3.   選擇,考驗著一個人的智慧。
Choices are a test of one’s wisdom.

4.   有時候,我們的弱點會影響到我們的選擇及判斷力。
Our weaknesses sometimes affect our choices and judgment.

5.   論及到選擇,往往都不是件簡單的事。
Choices are often no simple matter.

29 Music and I 音樂與我

1.   我總是可以從音樂中找到快樂。

I can always find joy in music.

2.   音樂平靜了我的身心靈,也讓我可以更清楚看這個世界。
Music calms my body and mind.  It also lets me have a clearer look at this world.

3.   對我來說,音樂,是心靈的興奮劑,也是鎮定劑。
For me, music is a stimulant for my mind. It is also a sedative.

4.   唯有音樂,才能撫慰我受傷的心靈。
Only with music can my broken heart be soothed.

5.   音樂有療癒的作用,我時常彈吉他給我生病的奶奶聽。
Music has a healing effect. I often play the guitar for my ill grandma.


30 If I were a Parent Someday 假如我有一天為人父母

1.   天下父母心,總是愛子()心切。

All parents always love their children.

2.   為人父母不容易,因為它考驗著很多面向,舉凡耐心、智慧,以及意志力。
It is not easy to be a parent as parenthood tests one’s patience, wisdom, and willpower.

3.   父母總是希望給子女最好的。
Parents always hope to give their children the best.

4.   我但願可以好好教育我的孩子,讓他/她在未來成為有用的人。
I only wish I could teach my children well so that they will become useful people in the future.

5.   可能要等到為人父母的那一天,我才能真正體會我爸媽的辛苦。
It is possible that I will not truly appreciate what my parents have gone through until I become a parent.

31 If I were a Millionaire 假如我是百萬富翁

1.   雖然我沒有偏財運,但有時候我還是會幻想自己中樂透頭獎。
Although I do not count myself as a lucky lottery winner, I sometimes fantasize about winning the first prize in the lottery.

2.   如果我有很多錢,我會先拿來買房子,再來幫助他人。
If I had a lot of money, I would first buy a house and then help others.

3.   假如我是百萬富翁,我會幫助那些窮困的人,比方說獨居老人或是弱勢家庭。
If I were a millionaire, I would help the poor, for example, the elderly who live on their own, or the underprivileged families.

4.   我希望可以讓我的生活品質提升。
I hope to enhance the quality of my life.

5.   不能否認,有錢的人總是可以完成比較多的夢想。
It is undeniable that the rich always can realize more dreams.


32 The Happy Days of My Childhood 我快樂的童年

1.   當我小時候,我喜歡在我家外面的空地和我的鄰居玩耍。
When I was small, I liked to play with my neighbors at the open space outside my home.

2.   每當放學後,我都會和同學到學校旁邊的商店吃冰。
After school, my classmates and I went to a shop next to our school for popsicles.

3.   當小孩是件幸福的事,只要把書讀好,就可以好好去玩了。
It is blessed to be a child: just finish studying and then have a good time.

4.   當我沮喪的時候,我總會回憶小時候那快樂的時光。
At times of frustration, I always recall the happy days of my childhood.

5.   每到過年,我都可以領很多紅包。
I will get many red packets when the Lunar New Year comes.

33 Saving Our Environment 拯救我們的環境

1.   無論我們到哪裡,總是可以看到有人隨地亂丟垃圾。
No matter where we are, we can always see people litter.

2.   因為有些人沒有公德心,他們很容易就破壞乾淨的環境。
As some people are not civic-minded, it is very easy for them to ruin an otherwise clean environment.

3.   該是我們盡力拯救我們環境的時候了。
It should be time for us to try our best to save our environment.

4.   我們必須制定法律來懲罰汙染環境的人。
We have to enact laws to punish those who pollute the environment.

5.   人們也應該從小被教育要有良好的道德觀念。
People should also be taught good morals from
an early age.


34 Social Media’s Impact on Young People 媒體對年輕人的影響

1.   媒體就像水一樣,能載舟,亦能覆舟。

Social media are, like water, a double-edged sword.

2.   許多時下的年輕女生,總是覺得自己不夠漂亮而花錢去做整形手術。
Now many young women always see themselves as not beautiful enough; they spend money on plastic surgery.

3.   媒體應該要散播更多正能量來感化這個社會。
The media should disseminate more positivity to change society for the better.

4.   媒體的亂象,也是社會治安的漏洞。
The chaos in the media are also a loophole of the law and order in society.

5.   記者的素養非常重要,因為他事關到報導的客觀性。

The competencies of journalists are very important as the competencies are related to the objectivity of reporting.


35 The Influence of My Favorite Book on Me 我最喜歡的書對我的影響

1.   一本好書猶如一位好老師,它帶領著我們培養好的觀念。
A good book is like a good teacher. It leads us form good ideas.

2.   我很喜歡哈利波特這本書,它的內容總是可以讓我很感興趣。
I very much like the Harry Potter books. Their contents always intrigue me.

3.   每當我心情不好的時候,我總是會看一些勵志心靈的書籍。
Whenever I am not in a good mood, I always read some self-help books.

4.   讀探險的書籍,讓我更有勇氣去面對不同的挑戰。
Reading adventure books give me more courage to face different challenges.

5.   很多人雖然覺得漫畫書不是好書,但它帶給我快樂的童年。

Although many people do not approve of comic books, they brought me a happy childhood.


36 Telling Lies 說謊

1.   雖然我們被教導不能說謊,但是有時候善意的謊言也是必要的。
Although we are taught not to lie, white lies are sometimes necessary.

2.   當一個人會說謊,有可能他自己有說不出來的苦衷。
When a person lies, he or she might have a reason that cannot be disclosed.

3.   說謊成性是件很可怕的事,因為它會嚴重影響一個人的人際關係。
Compulsive lying is a very terrible thing as it seriously affects one’s interpersonal relations.

4.   我們都不喜歡聽謊言,但有時候實話更令人難以招架。
We do not like to hear lies, but it is sometimes more difficult to cope with truth.

5.   說謊,有時候是一種自我保護的表現。
Lying is sometimes a means of self-protection.

37 Effects of Pollution 污染的影響

1.   隨著科技的進步,空氣及噪音的污染越來越嚴重。
With technological advancement, air and noise pollution is ever-worsening.

2.   我們應該要重視這個議題,來保護這個環境。
We should attach important to this issue, with a view to protecting the environment.

3.   海洋的污染,讓許多海洋生物瀕臨死亡的危機。
Ocean pollution is a crisis in which marine life is on the verge of extinction.

4.   避免污染破壞生態環境,我們應該要遏止汙染環境的源頭。
To prevent pollution from damaging the ecosystem, we should contain pollution at source.

5.   空氣污染會影響人類的呼吸系統,我們不能忽視它。
Air pollution affects the human respiratory system, so we cannot ignore it.


38 The Aging Population 人口老化

1.   台灣在不久的將來會變成高齡化的社會。
In the foreseeable future, Taiwan will become an aging society.

2.   少子化的影響,對國家的未來是一種威脅。
The impact of a lower birth rate is a threat to a country’s future.

3.   高齡化人口對年輕人來說也是一個沉重的負擔。
An aging population is a heavy burden on young people.

4.   我們不能否認照顧老人非常累,特別是如果他們不能照顧自己的時候。

We cannot deny that it is exhausting to take care of elderly people, especially if they cannot take care of themselves.

5.   他們還容易受到孤獨的影響,這會對他們的心理健康產生不利影響。

They are also vulnerable to loneliness, which can adversely affect their mental health.


39 How Technology affects us 科技如何影響我們

1.   科技的進步帶給我們很多的方便,不過它也影響著人類的互動。
Technological advancement brings us much convenience, but it also affects humans’ interactions.

2.   有許多人沉迷在3C產品,而失去應該有的社交能力。
Many people are addicted to computers, communication devices, and consumer electronics; they lose social skills that they should have.

3.   醫療科技的進步,為許多重症病患帶來一線希望。
Advancement in medical technology gives a ray of hope to the severely ill.

4.   科技讓我們能夠立即收到來自世界每個角落的資訊。
Technology allows us to receive information from all corners of the world.

5.   沒有科技,我們的生活可能會變得很無聊。
Without technology, our lives can become very boring.

40 Time Management 時間管理

1.   一個人能夠成功,與他/她的時間管理能力有很大的關係。
A person’s success has much to do with his/her time management.

2.   一旦做好時間管理,做事情也會變得更有效率。
Once there is good time management, things can be done more efficiently.

3.   一天只有24小時,我們不該浪費太多時間在無意義的事上。
There are only 24 hours in a day. We should not waste too much time on meaningless things.

4.   善用行程記事本,可以做好時間管理。
king good use of a diary can help with time management.

5.   學習要有效率,就要懂得分配時間。
Efficient learning hinges on how to allocate time.

文字版權:Ken's Portable Classroom